We are over halfway through our first full week, and it has been SUCH A GOOD ONE! I must admit, I was feeling a little discouraged last Friday after school because Kindergarten is hard in September. I missed my old students who knew the routine and were so well trained, it...
On ne partage pas les microbes!
Aujourd'hui, nous avons fait une expérience scientifique! C'était au sujet des microbes et comment le savon est si important lorsqu'on se lave les mains. Je veux partager ce que nous avons fait avec vous, as cas où que vous avez des petits qui oublient souvent le savon, aussi ;) La...
Our first day in photos & a new game for conscience phonologique!
Wow, back-to-school kicked my butt this week! I haven't been to bed later than 9:15 since school started on Thursday. I am finally feeling (mostly) rested and recovered now, after a couple of nights of 10-12 hours of sleep! :) I also have what is shaping up to be a...