Have you ever noticed how our struggling readers are often struggling writers, too? And if a student has a hard time decoding words, they also have a hard time hearing and recording the sounds they want to write? Makes sense, doesn't it? Reading and writing are so intertwined, and it...
Que fait le chef du jour?
Bonjour! The school year is wrapping up (how are we already at the end of May?!) and I don't know about you, but at the end of each school year I like to take a kind of inventory of what worked well for me and what I would like to change. ...
Mes projets d’art préférés pour le printemps
Happy Spring - I think it's really finally here! I don't know about you, but there is just something about spring that makes me love teaching art even more than usual (which is saying a lot!). The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and I have enough energy to...
3 façons de s’assurer que les élèves parlent français TOUS LES JOURS!
We all know that in order to learn a second language, our students must SPEAK that second language. Makes sense, right? You learn to speak by speaking! This means that it is SO, SO important to maximize the amount of time that all of your students are speaking - not just one...