If you remember my blog post last week, I took a few moments to talk about why giving our students time to practice decoding (reading sound by sound) and encoding (writing sound by sound) is so important for primary students. Understanding decoding and encoding helps with reading skills, phonemic awareness...
One Effective Way to Give Your French Primary Students Independent Decoding Practice During Literacy Centres
I wanted to take a few moments today to talk about why giving our students the time to practice decoding words (reading sound by sound) and encoding words (writing sound by sound) is so important for primary students. Understanding decoding and encoding helps with reading skills, phonemic awareness and written...
The Easiest-Ever Addition to Your French Writing Centre!
Have you ever had any of these problems with your maternelle French writing centre? You send your students and they just… don’t write! They draw, they chat, they are silly, they make crafts, etc. etc… but, no writing! You spend ages setting up an adorable, Pinterest-perfect writing centre, with vocabulary...
Literacy Centres: 3 Ways to Help Your French Primary Students Be More Independent
Do any of these scenarios sound like you and your French primary students during your independent literacy centres? You've carefully explained in detail where to go and what to do at each literacy centre. When you tell students to go and get started, somebody looks at you as if you...
3 Fun French Literacy Games for Centres
Let's just talk for a second about teaching and trying to do french literacy games and literacy centres last year (2020-2021… aka, mid-pandemic but trying to pretend that things could be fine in a school with hundreds of people). I’m not sure where you were or what your rules were,...
À quoi ressemblent mes centres de mathématiques?
Do you run math centres in your classroom? I do! However, they look VERY different from my literacy centres, so I thought I would pop in today and share what I do. The main reason that my math centres are so different from my literacy centres is because of one...
Trucs et idées pour votre centre de jeux
Hi guys! In case you are late to the party, I have been sharing how I run literacy centres in my classroom over the past few weeks. You can find out how I start centres in this post, how I organize them over here, and see ALL of the centres I have...
Idées et trucs pour vos centres de motricité fine
Hi guys! In case you are late to the party, I have been sharing how I run literacy centres in my classroom over the past few weeks. You can find out how I start centres in this post, how I organize them over here, and see ALL of the centres...
Des idées pour votre centre de pâte à modeler
One of my students' favourite centres is the Play Doh centre. I keep the Play Doh centre out most of the year (it is one of my 10 "core" centres), but it is one that I will occasionally rotate out. Students can work on lots of different literacy skills via...