
Bingo des rimes (FRENCH Rhyming Bingo)


This is a great Bingo game for practicing rhymes. Instead of trying to find the exact same image that the caller draws on their card, students will try and find a word that rhymes! So, if the caller draws « bateau », only students with « gâteau » can cover a word.


Looking for a fun and engaging way to practice rhymes with your small groups of French primary students? Rhyming is SUCH an important skill to practice!

Playing with rhymes improves overall language skills in our students, and is a big precursor to learning to both read AND write. Research shows a correlation between rhyming mastery and future reading preparedness in children, so we definitely want to make sure our students become experts at rhyming, especially if they haven’t had much practice at home!

Games are an excellent way to practice important skills, like rhyming, in the classroom.

This is a great Bingo game for practicing rhymes. Instead of trying to find the exact same image that the caller draws on their card, students will try and find a word that rhymes! So, if the caller draws « bateau », only students with « gâteau » can cover a word.

I prefer to play this game with my guided reading groups to make sure they are rhyming correctly, but there are enough cards included to play with your whole class if your students are already rhyming experts! There is also a word list at the end of the pack in case you are unsure of what any of the images are.

This resource includes:

  • 26 different Bingo cards (in colour)
  • 28 rhyming pairs total

*This download entitles the purchaser to use it in ONE classroom only. Thank you so much for respecting my time and effort!*




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