
FRENCH Guided Reading Books Level AA (Livres de lecture guidée) Noël


Are you short on books to use for guided reading in your French primary classroom (aren’t we all?!)? Do you have some students who are just not ready for level 1 books and no idea what kinds of books to give them to practice at home? This pack of 5 Christmas-themed guided reading books and sample lesson plans might be just what you need!


Are you short on books to use for guided reading in your French primary classroom (aren’t we all?!)? Do you have some students who are just not ready for level 1 books and no idea what kinds of books to give them to practice at home?

Do you have some students who need really basic vocabulary practice, time to develop 1:1 correspondence, and consistent sight words throughout one book in order to experience success? Are you struggling with planning your guided reading blocks for your pre-reading students?

This pack of 5 Christmas-themed guided reading books and sample lesson plans might be just what you need!


This resource includes…

  • 5 different level AA guided reading books in colour (3 with clip art images, 2 with photos)
  • The same 5 books in black & white/greyscale
  • Each book showcases important Christmas vocabulary
  • EDITABLE blank planning templates to help you plan your guided reading lessons
  • A blank “fiche de lecture” to use when doing running records
  • Detailed instructions of how I plan my lessons
  • An example lesson plan for a level AA book to help you get started

This resource contains five readers – three with clip art pictures, and two with real photographs. Each is available in colour and black & white/greyscale.

I have also included for you my guided reading planning template, a blank Fiche de lecture, and a sample of how I might plan a reading lesson for my AA group. If you prefer to write with pen, just print out the blank templates that work best for you from the pdf document. If you would rather type into my plans, there is also a .ppt version in the folder that you can edit using Powerpoint or Keynote!

The titles of each book are:

  • C’est Noël! <— all words are féminin (une)
  • C’est Noël! <— all words are masculin and/or start with a vowel (un)
  • La veille de Noël <— all words are plural (des)
  • Au pôle Nord (real photos) <— all words are masculin (un, except le appears once)
  • Mon beau sapin (real photos) <— all words are plural (les)

* Each book contains ONE sight word (eg. either MA or MON / UN or UNE, not both!) except Au pôle Nord, which contains the word le on the first page (le Père Noël), and un on all other pages. Each page contains the sight word plus the vocabulary word illustrated in the picture.

These books are perfect for students who still need to learn 1:1 correspondence and French vocabulary – they can be successful without trying to figure out which sight word(s) is on which page. They also don’t have to remember the correct structure of a sentence, because there is not a complete sentence on each page. These books are very basic, and not intended for students who are already successfully reading level 1 books.

*Please note that this download is contained in a ZIP folder. Inside the ZIP folder is a .pdf document and a .ppt document. Please ensure that your computer is able to open zip folders as well as pdf and ppt documents prior to purchasing.

*This download entitles the purchaser to use it in ONE classroom only. Thank you so much for respecting my time and effort!*




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