
FRENCH schedule cards (horaire visuel) – Partially EDITABLE white rectangles


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This file includes 52 French visual schedule cards. Perfect for displaying in your classroom, these visual schedule cards are bright and beautiful, and feature a clear, easy-to-read font. They will help you organize your day, and show students what will be happening next!


This file includes 52 French visual schedule cards. Perfect for displaying in your classroom, these visual schedule cards are bright and beautiful, and feature a clear, easy-to-read font. They will help you organize your day, and show students what will be happening next!


They feature:

  • an easy to cut out, rectangular design
  • a large size so students can read with ease
  • bright, attractively coloured clip art
  • multiple options for several subjects/activities, so you can choose the sign that works best for you and your class
  • one card per page, so you can print only the cards you need and not waste ink on those you don’t, and/or multiple copies of the same card with ease (eg. if you have two recesses per day)!
  • a white background to save on ink (to colour code cards by type of subject, simply print cards on light-coloured card stock! Eg. all literacy activities on yellow card stock, etc.)


The following 52 subjects/classes are included :

  1. Sciences naturelles
  2. Sciences humaines
  3. Sciences humaines (image canadienne)
  4. Santé
  5. DPS
  6. Arts plastiques
  7. Drame
  8. Art dramatique
  9. Modules intégrés
  10. Collation
  11. Diner
  12. Récréation
  13. Arrivée (image d’autobus)
  14. Départ (image d’autobus)
  15. Arrivée (image d’une école)
  16. Départ (image d’une maison)
  17. Activité spéciale
  18. Mouvement
  19. Travail du matin
  20. Lecture
  21. Club de lecture
  22. Lecture à soi
  23. Lecture silencieuse
  24. Lecture en partenaire
  25. Centres de littératie
  26. Communication orale
  27. Écriture
  28. Club d’écriture
  29. Étude de mots
  30. Journal
  31. Écouter une histoire
  32. Lecture à haute voix
  33. Regroupement
  34. La ronde
  35. Musique
  36. Amis de lecture
  37. Bibliothèque
  38. Ordinateurs
  39. Technologie
  40. Éducation physique
  41. Mathématiques
  42. Maths
  43. Centres de numératie
  44. APQ
  45. Études sociales
  46. Sciences
  47. Danse
  48. Études religieuses
  49. Excursion scolaire
  50. Sortie scolaire
  51. Voyage de classe
  52. Cercle


This product is a ZIP file. Inside the file, you will find a PDF document with the 52 subjects listed above. In case I missed something, there is also an EDITABLE blank card that can be edited in PowerPoint or Keynote. You will need to download the free (for personal use only) font KG Miss Kindergarten to make your edited card match the others.

The rectangles are large, but you can print them smaller by using the “scale” feature or “multiple” button in Adobe if they are too big for your needs as-is.

*This download entitles the purchaser to use it in ONE classroom only. Thank you so much for respecting my time and effort!*




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