FRENCH Alphabet Flash Cards & Posters – cartes éclairs et affiches d’alphabet
Are your students struggling to master their French alphabet letters and sounds? Are you looking for a simple way to give them more exposure to and practice with letters and anchor words, en français? If so, this resource is exactly what you need! In this product, you will find everything you need to help your students learn & practice their letter names and sounds, en français!
Are your students struggling to master their French alphabet letters and sounds? Are you looking for a simple way to give them more exposure to and practice with letters and anchor words, en français? If so, these French alphabet flash cards and posters are exactly what you need!
In this product, you will find everything you need to help your students learn & practice their letter names and sounds, en français!
- Full-page, colour alphabet posters (letter + image/word), with a bonus red background option for vowels
- FOUR different full colour AND black & white flash card options for at-home and in-school practice (lettres majuscules, lettres minuscules, lettre + image, lettre + image/mot)
The French alphabet flash cards use the same images as the alphabet to help your students more easily associate a word that begins with each letter. It is essential for our young students to have consistency with their anchor words, and this product allows you to do that!
Images used for each of the French alphabet flash cards:
- A- avion
- B- bateau
- C- citrouille ET cadeau
- D- dinosaure
- E- escargot
- F- fourmi
- G- girafe ET gateau
- H- hippopotame
- I- igloo
- J- jardin
- K- kangourou
- L- lion
- M- mouton
- N- nuage
- O- oreille
- P- poisson
- Q- queue
- R- robot
- S- soleil
- T- tortue
- U- uniforme
- V- vache
- W- wagon
- X- xylophone
- Y- yoyo
- Z- zèbre
- NEW – É – écureuil
These French alphabet flash cards are perfect to add to a binder ring and send home in your students’ reading bags for extra practice. Choose the type of cards your students need most!
What are other teachers saying about these French alphabet flash cards and posters?
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Great resource and very versatile! We go back to this often throughout our day and enjoy the fun atmosphere the graphics give as well.” – Jessica C.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I loved sending these home at the beginning of the year to practice the alphabet. It helped that they matched the one we had up in our classroom!” – McKenzie S.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “This alphabet ring is perfect for reinforcing letter names and sounds, as well as learning some vocabulary. We used the alphabet rings to practice in school and at home during the beginning of the year, and ongoing for those students needing more practice.” – Mara W.
❤️Check out more French alphabet resources here!❤️
*This download entitles the purchaser to use it in ONE classroom only. Thank you so much for respecting my time and effort!*
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