French School Themed Vocabulary Cards – Cartes de vocabulaire (La rentrée/l’école)
It’s easy to teach and review school vocabulary using this set of word wall cards! With cards in both colour and black & white, and featuring a clear, easy to read font, your French students will love referring to these versatile cards to help them with writing, spelling, and – of course! – speaking, en français.
It’s easy to teach and review French school vocabulary using this set of word wall cards! With cards in both colour and black & white, and featuring a clear, easy to read font, your French students will love referring to these versatile cards to help them with writing, spelling, and – of course! – speaking, en français. These French school themed vocabulary cards will be the perfect addition to back to school season in your classroom!
Possible uses for these French school themed vocabulary cards:
- Word Wall displays – Laminate the cards and stick a magnet on the back for easy student access from your magnetic white board
- Writing centres – Laminate, hole punch one corner, and stick on a binder ring for portable word walls, perfect for use in your writing centre
- Personal thematic mini dictionaries – Print on plain white or coloured paper, cut along the lines, and staple together the black & white cards to make mini thematic dictionaries for each of your students. You can also have them colour them if you wish!
- Oral communication games – Print two sets of cards and use them to play Go Fish, Memory, etc.
- Reference sheets – Print all slides to a page by using the “Multiple” option in the Adobe print menu
- Mini vocabulary books – Send these home with your students to have them review and practice with their families
- … and more!
At four cards per page, these cards are quick to cut and print AND the perfect width for your white board. Check out the preview for a closer look!
Each card also includes a symbol(s) in the corner to show if the word is masculin, féminin, singulier ou pluriel. By providing this information, students are then able to choose an appropriate article that MAKES SENSE in their writing. It helps our second language learners avoid sentences like “J’aime ce le chien!”.
The following 52 words are included in this set:
- Recess/lunch time vocabulary: marelle, corde à sauter, craie, balançoire, cerceau, glissoire, cage à poule, balançoire à bascule, boîte à dîner, carton de lait, plateau de dîner, bouteille thermos
- Technology: ordinateur, calculatrice, souris, portable, microscope
- pinceau
- chevalet
- peinture
- colle
- peinturer
- découper
- pâte à modeler
- argile
- crayon feutre
- crayon de cire
- crayon à mine
- papier
- ciseaux
- cahier
- règle
- punaise
- tableau
- livre
- tapis
- étagère
- jeton
- dé
- cube emboitable
- aiment
- loupe
- surligneur
- table
- autobus
- globe terrestre
- carte
- balance
- pupitre
- enseignant
- enseignante
What are other teachers saying about these French school themed vocabulary cards?
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I love this resource! The visuals and words help students with recall on common French vocabulary words. I will use this throughout the year!” – Francesca C.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I use these for a variety of games in my K/1 FI classroom. I love that I am also able to teach the children about feminine and masculine!” – Jayme C.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Love these cards and students find them easy-to-use.” – Island Teaching Store
❤️Check out more French vocabulary cards in the BUNDLE❤️
*This download entitles the purchaser to use it in ONE classroom only. Thank you so much for respecting my time and effort!*
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Colour | Blue |
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