Construction fun and a freebie!

Sorry I’ve been MIA for the last little while! School has been crazy busy, I am getting ready to move, and my laptop broke beyond repair a few weeks ago. I got a new one and I love it, but it’s taken awhile to move and reorganize all of my files and clipart. Back in business now, though!

We are in the home stretch at school and have been working hard! I was lucky enough to have a fantastic parent come in and help us make tool boxes last week. This activity helped us cover a lot of outcomes for both primaries and grade ones that had to do with using tools, tool safety, and putting things together to make something new and functional. And it was a blast! Here are some photos of us working hard:

 The parent who helped us out is a shop teacher at a local high school. He just used scrap wood from projects with his class, and borrowed tools from his classroom. He even had construction hats and safety glasses for everyone! If high schools in your area have a shop class, I highly recommend looking into asking the teacher to spend a morning with your students. The activity was challenging for some students, but not frustrating, and between the two of us, we could easily get around to help anyone who needed it.

 Getting the sides on was a bit tricky, but it was so nice to see everyone working together and helping out their classmates!

This guy was a pro! :)

We painted our tool boxes, as well. I just used dollar store acrylic paints (the kinds that come in a squeeze bottle) and foam brushes. We sanded the tool boxes down outside before painting.

This munchkin painted a dinosaur on his box

We had a blast! I just love activities where every single child is engaged and experiencing new things, and ends up with a final product they are extremely proud of.

Happy weekend! :)

PS – Are you a member of my FREE French Resource Library yet?? If not, just enter your name & email below and hit the button. I’ll send you the exclusive password and instructions for getting your hands on every freebie I have ever made – and will ever make!


  1. Unknown

    Bonjour Mme Andrea! Je viens de découvrir votre blogue! Bravo pour les belles photos d'activités. J'ai travaillé en Nouvelle-Écosse durant 3 ans et 1/2 et j'ai adoré! Je vais ajouter votre bouton à mon blogue. Si vous souhaitez me visiter aussi,
    Bonnes Vacances!

    1. Andrea

      Merci Mme Émilie!!! Je suis si contente que vous avez vu ma blogue – je vous suis sur Teachers pay Teachers et BlogLovin depuis longtemps! Plusieurs de vos belles activités se trouvent actuellement dans ma salle de classe :) Merci pour votre support!

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