La Saint Patrick en maternelle

Hey guys! Somehow, it is already almost Saint Patrick's Day! #whereisthisyeargoing?? Today, I will be taking a little break from talking about guided reading to share what we will be doing in my classroom this week to celebrate all things green and Irish! This week is our last week before...

Un coquelicot pour se souvenir

Hi! Long time, no post! I have been in big-time new resource creating mode for the past month. My students this year are so different than last year when I had the combined class, that I have been finding that I have needed to create more for them than I...

Five for Friday – Oct 2

Five for Friday is a weekly teacher linky party where you post five random things from today or this past week and on your blog. Then, you come back and link your blog post up at the bottom of this post in the linky tool.  Hi guys! I can't believe...

How to make homemade tic-tac-toe games with your students

Hello and happy summer! I am officially on vacation and I am so excited to have time to myself to relax, to rewind... and to attend summer institutes and do professional development, to get through my massive to-do list for TPT and for my new house... hahaha. But in all...

Spotlight Saturday!

Today I am linking up with Kindergarten Dragons for Spotlight Saturday. For Spotlight Saturday, teacher bloggers get to link up and share some of our favorite products, activities, resources, and ideas!  This is my first Spotlight Saturday, but there was no question about who I would like to shine a...

Construction fun and a freebie!

Sorry I've been MIA for the last little while! School has been crazy busy, I am getting ready to move, and my laptop broke beyond repair a few weeks ago. I got a new one and I love it, but it's taken awhile to move and reorganize all of my...

Dinosaurs Part 1 Recap

Happy Sunday! I am heading back to Halifax tomorrow for the week to continue on with curriculum work. While I am gone, my class will be working on lots of activities from my Earth Day activity pack. The pack includes 10 different activities appropriate for grades primary and one, ready...