French rhyme time


In getting ready for back to school, I have been compiling all of my guided reading games and activities (getting organized is my big goal for this year!).

Last week, I talked about some ways that I practice counting syllables with my students.

Another big skill that K and 1 students need to work on is rhyming.

Students should be able to identify and produce rhymes, and figure out which words in a series do not rhyme with a target word.

Like syllables, rhymes are another way to show students that words and sounds can be fun, and that we can be silly with them!

Did you know that I have a FREE guide all about teaching rhymes en français?

If you haven’t seen it yet and want to grab a copy, just CLICK HERE and fill out the form – I’ll send it straight to your inbox.

Included in the guide is a free game that you can use with your students to help them practice rhyming.

The game is called Les mots dans un bateau, and you can read more about how it works below.

(Yes, even the title rhymes ;) )

It is so simple, but very effective. I use it during small group time, but I also turn it into a whole group game as well.

The set includes six boats, each with a different image on the hull and four blank spaces.
There is also a page of images to cut out.

Students need to put four images in each boat – the four words that rhyme with the target image.

I generally only play with 2-3 boats at a time, as 24 cards is a lot to handle at once.

When playing with a small group, I just lay the cards out on the table around the boats, get my students to name each target image a few times, and then they pick a card of their choice.

They say the word on the card and find the correct boat. Then another child picks a card. Easy peasy!

At the end, when the boats are full, we review the words in each boat to make sure that they all rhyme.

(If a student put a word in the incorrect boat, it is a lot easier for them to figure that out when listing a bunch of other words that all rhyme along with that word. It usually sticks out like a sore thumb!)

I cut out my boats and laminated them, but you don’t have to cut them out first. I just prefer how they look cut out. I do suggest that you laminate for durability.
To play this game whole group, I pick two boats (and the eight corresponding cards). 
I put a T table on the board as well – one side for my points and one side for student points. 
I get points when students shout out an answer or are silly/not listening (NOT if a student answers incorrectly – they get unlimited tries)
Students get points when anyone puts a card in the correct boat (no matter how many tries it may take). 
I hold up a card, ask « est-ce que le mot riz rime avec lit ou avec bateau? ». Students raise their hand, I pick someone, and they come up and put in it the correct boat. 
If they are struggling I may say something like « hmmm…riz, lit, bateau. Quel mot ne rime pas? ». If they identify that bateau doesn’t rhyme, they know it goes with lit by process of elimination. 
After the game, if they win (which they always do, ha!), we play freeze dance for a couple of minutes, and then they complete an independent version of the sort (three such worksheets are included in the free download). 
You can have them colour the worksheet as well of course, but I usually do not (or I let it be an option AFTER they have glued their words on – this cuts down on a big discrepancy between the number of early finishers and not-yet-finished). 
The sort that I get them to do independently is the exact same as the sort that we did together. I also allow them to use the whole-group sort to self check/self correct. 
This independent sort is a fantastic way for you to see who is really struggling – it should be no problem for most students after doing it as a class, and those who find it a challenge will be easy to spot.

If you use my resource Trions les sons de l’alphabet, we play that game whole group in the exact same way as well!

The freebie also includes an “I Can” cards, so you can even use this game as an independent centre!

Want this game for your own classroom? Getting your hands on it is easy! And FREE!

Les mots dans un bateau is included in my FREE French Guide for Teaching Rhymes.

To get your hands on it, just CLICK HERE, enter your info, and wait for the guide to hit your inbox.


Looking for more tips and ideas for teaching rhymes? Let me know by entering your info below and get my FREE Guide pour enseigner les rimes en maternelle sent straight to your inbox!

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