3 Fun French Literacy Games for Centres

Let's just talk for a second about teaching and trying to do french literacy games and literacy centres last year (2020-2021… aka, mid-pandemic but trying to pretend that things could be fine in a school with hundreds of people). I’m not sure where you were or what your rules were,...

Maîtriser le centre de lecture à soi en maternelle

Hey everyone! In case you are late to the party, I have been sharing how I run literacy centres in my classroom over the past few weeks. You can find out how I start centres in this post, how I organize them over here, and see ALL of the centres I have...

C’est quoi le centre “Écris la salle”?

Hey everyone! In case you are late to the party, I have been sharing how I run literacy centres in my classroom over the past few weeks. You can find out how I start centres in this post, how I organize them over here, and see ALL of the centres I have...

Trucs et idées pour votre centre de jeux

Hi guys! In case you are late to the party, I have been sharing how I run literacy centres in my classroom over the past few weeks. You can find out how I start centres in this post, how I organize them over here, and see ALL of the centres I have...

Maîtriser le centre d’écriture en maternelle

Hi guys! In case you are late to the party, I have been sharing how I run literacy centres in my classroom over the past few weeks. You can find out how I start centres in this post, how I organize them over here, and see ALL of the centres I have...

Des idées pour votre centre de pâte à modeler

One of my students' favourite centres is the Play Doh centre. I keep the Play Doh centre out most of the year (it is one of my 10 "core" centres), but it is one that I will occasionally rotate out. Students can work on lots of different literacy skills via...

Organisez vos centres d’apprentissage

Here I am... a day late! I forgot when I planned last week to blog on Monday that I would in fact be in Halifax watching the greatest hockey team in the NHL (the Ottawa Senators) kick some Toronto Maple Leaf butt. It was a belated birthday present and it...