Jeu de mémoire – les rimes – FRENCH Rhymes Matching Memory Game
This resource will provide you with a simple concentration/memory game that you can play with your students, while encouraging them to think about words that rhyme.
Being adept at rhyming is an important skill to develop with your students before they begin to learn to read. Recognizing rhyme is the very first step of developing phonemic awareness, and students who cannot identify rhyming words are at risk to struggle with reading later.
For those to whom rhyming doesn’t come naturally, it is essential that they practice, practice, practice! This resource will provide you with a simple concentration game you can play with your students, while encouraging them to think about words that rhyme.
This resource includes:
- ► Three different sets of 18 cards in colour
- ► The same three sets of 18 cards in black & white
Rhyming pairs:
- Set 1: bateau/gâteau, rat/chat, citrouille/grenouille, fleur/coeur, grange/ange, bouton/mouton, noix/roi, cerf-volant/éléphant, lapin/sapin
- Set 2: scie/lit, lumière/Terre, feuille/écureuil, dé/poupée, feu/jeu, fourchette/moufette, coccinelle/échelle, château/râteau, flamant/serpent
- Set 3: main/train, mitaine/sirène, clou/loup, dent/gant, robot/escargot, sauterelle/pelle, renard/canard, gorille/fourmi, tomate/cravate
To prepare this game, just print, cut, and play!
I suggest printing on card stock so that students can’t see through the cards.
Students will place all cards face-down and then take turns flipping two cards over to try and find a rhyming pair. They will name each object on the cards they flip, listening for the ending sound. If they find a match, they keep the cards.
These cards may also be useful to you for other games, like Swat or even Go Fish!
I also like to print the black and white version on regular paper (2 slides to a page so that they are smaller), and have students glue the rhyming pairs they found into their Guided Reading notebooks after we play.
This activity is intended to be done with your students in a small group setting, but once your students are rhyme experts, it also makes a great literacy centre!
*This download entitles the purchaser to use it in ONE classroom only. Thank you so much for respecting my time and effort!*
Colour | Blue |
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