The Best Way to Structure Your Writing Block

How many times have you found yourself diving into teaching writing in the primary grades only to be greeted with lots of raised hands and not a lot of actual writing? Probably more times than you can count, if you’re anything like me! This post provides an overview of one...

Simple 1:1 Correspondence Practice in Maternelle

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - one of the BEST things about maternelle is teaching our students to read. It's amazing to watch them go from saying "but I don't know HOW to read!" to understanding that there is more than one way to read a...

Our « phrases fantastiques » Routine

Has this ever happened to you? I LOVE TpT (obviously), and I LOVE buying resources from there and supporting fellow teachers. But, sometimes, I buy something, and I think I know what I'm doing with that resource, and then I stumble across a blog post or a social media post...