Comment gérer vos fiches de lecture

I've been talking all about guided reading lately! If you are just joining me now, click here to read the rest of my posts! And don't forget - if you love free stuff, subscribe below to my newsletter and get access to my exclusive FREE French resource library! Running records...

Maîtriser le centre de lecture à soi en maternelle

Hey everyone! In case you are late to the party, I have been sharing how I run literacy centres in my classroom over the past few weeks. You can find out how I start centres in this post, how I organize them over here, and see ALL of the centres I have...

Organisez vos centres d’apprentissage

Here I am... a day late! I forgot when I planned last week to blog on Monday that I would in fact be in Halifax watching the greatest hockey team in the NHL (the Ottawa Senators) kick some Toronto Maple Leaf butt. It was a belated birthday present and it...

Parent communication en maternelle

Happy Sunday! I know that school has probably started for most of you (we started back on the 8th), but I wanted to talk about a super important topic today that is especially pertinent to the beginning of the school year: parent communication. Obviously, it is essential that teachers of...

Plans pour la rentrée 2016 (maternelle)

I cannot believe how close we are to the first day of school! Such an exciting time of year...but, let's face it, it's also a STRESSFUL time of year. I am actually feeling a little guilty for pausing in my preparations to write this blog post! My to do list...

6 uses for colour-coded student clothespins

Any other washi tape addicts out there? You know, the super pretty tape that comes on tiny rolls of gorgeousness and patterns? Two summers ago, I discovered washi tape and fell in LOVE... and bought a ton of it. A ton of it (see photo below of my "at home"...

Comment faire votre propre cartable de données!

Today I am going to share with you the secret to how I keep all of my student data organized. Now, it should be noted that by nature, I am not the most organized person! I am definitely a Type B teacher, and use sticky notes instead of detailed lesson...